Lilith Circle Guide
A Small Group Study
by Monette Chilson
Based on the Girl God Anthology
Original Resistance: Reclaiming Lilith, Reclaiming Ourselves
First of all, thank you for your leadership. Reading this collection of writings on the critical female archetype of Lilith is powerful in and of itself. Leading a group through the content creates exactly the kind of soul connection we need during this time of feminine rising. So thank you for stepping up.
It is my hope that this guide will support your leadership, giving you the structure you need to guide a group through this transformative work, while leaving ample room for you to customize and alter as needed. Please consider this a jumping off point and feel free to chart your own course through this rediscovery that is, by its archetypal nature, both extremely personal and universal. I believe that the very act of doing this work together will bond you, forming the kind of wolf pack Abby Wambach talks about in her new book, Wolf Pack—another great group read if you want to continue your work together.
The curriculum is broken up into three sections—Rediscovering Lilith, Reclaiming Lilith and Reclaiming Ourselves. Each of these sections is further broken down into three sessions, for a total of nine sessions. These can be weekly, monthly or even condensed to fit into a retreat format where a group could cover one or two sessions per day over a long weekend or week-long intensive setting.
Each session will follow the same structure, giving your time together a rhythm that will become predictable, allowing you to focus your energy on the work, rather than its organization. The core work of the group will be done through reading, writing and sharing within a sacred circle of trust. Finally, I encourage you to set guiding principles for your group that will create an atmosphere in which each voice is valued and confidentiality is assured. I am including two examples from spiritual group leaders as inspiration. Use one of these or create your own.
Courtesy of Tracie Jae (
Courtesy of Debra Graugnard (
Don’t forget to think through the logistics of your group before you start. You’ll need to decide how many people you’d like to have. Establish a range—I suggest a minimum of four or five and maximum of 10 or 12. Pick a place. You can keep it simple and have a consistent location or mix it up and rotate between members’ homes. If you want a more formal setting with everyone around a big table, consider booking a room at a local library or community center. Want it to be more relaxed? Sit around of couches or pillows at someone’s home. What date/time will work best for your prospective members? Decide on your schedule including the length of meetings. You’ll need a minimum of one hour and probably don’t want to ask people to commit to more than a two-hour block. Do you want to have a simple snack at meetings? Bring one to the first meeting and have a sign-up sheet so others can pitch in for other gatherings.
I look forward to hearing what you learn and how you make this material your own. Please drop me a note with questions, comments or feedback ( I am here to support you however I can.