Session 8:
What does Lilith model that I want more of in my life?
And I Rise by Arlene Bailey (p. 117)
INVOCATION (open your time together using a sound element—singing bowl, chant, drum, etc.)
OPENING CIRCLE (sit in silence for one minute, palms touching each other’s)
“Lilith is the Goddess of women who do not settle. She is the essence of the wild woman spirit.” —Nuit Moore
EXPLORATION: What does Lilith model that I want more of in my life?
In this eighth session, we continue part three of our study—Reclaiming Ourselves—examining the archetype of Lilith in light of our own personal embodiment. The readings and journaling in this session will shine a light on the many powerful, often “unfeminine” traits of Lilith that more be lying dormant or underutilized in our own lives.
SUGGESTED READINGS (go around the circle, allowing all participants a chance to read)
These pieces were chosen because they illuminate Lilith’s feminine power, breaking it down into specific characteristics we would like to add to our own lives. After redefining what falls within the realm of femininity in our last session, we are now ready to begin awakening these attributes within us.
Participants may read the piece in its entirety (if short) or an excerpt (if longer). The reader can select the passage(s) if excerpting. If time/resources exist, you may also project the selected image on a screen, making sure you credit the artist.
The First Resister: Evoking Lilith for Transformation and Freedom by D’vorah J. Grenn, Ph. D. (p. 60)
And She Shall Be Called by McKenna Revel (p. 77)
Lilith Rising (image) by Arlene Bailey (p. 116)
Journeys from the Wasteland: A Lifelong Conversation with Lilith by Leni Hester (p. 118)
The Outraged Ancestral Mother by Molly Remer (p. 202)
Joyous Lilith (image) by Nuit Moore (p. 219)